Starfire Hero Image

Event Materials for Starfire

These print designs were part of a concert fundraiser featuring the Righteous Brothers produced by Starfire Cincinnati. This event was attended by a sold-out crowd and raised more than $125,000 for the organization and helped Starfire continue its vision to raise awareness in Cincinnati. More information on the event can be found here.

Full Color Concert Program

The goal of the concert program was to inform donors of the impact of Starfire initiatives on individuals and the community at large. It also featured a call for donations, financial information of the organization and bios for clients and Righteous Brothers group members.

Program Inside Spread

Inside spread of the full color concert program.

Program Front

Front cover of the full color concert program.

Program Back

Back cover of the full color concert program.

Inside of Card

Inside of the table top card.

Table Top Card

These table top cards were printed on two sides, folded and placed at each table for fundraiser attendees. The design was intended to be congruent with the concert program, to reiterate Starfire's mission statement and to make a final appeal for donations.

Card Front

Front of the table top card.

Card Back

Back of the table top card featuring contact info.

Outdoor Sign and Vertical Banner

The outdoor sign was designed to act as a wayfinding landmark to direct event attendees to the venue entrance. For the 30 x 40-inch sign, a sturdy free-standing holder was used in order to withstand wind and high traffic. The 24 x 64-inch vertical banner utilized a portable aluminum alloy roll up stand. The client was able to reuse these pieces of hardware to display custom graphics for future events.

Outdoor sign and vertical banner

Horizonal Vinyl Banners

The visual theme was carried through on two additional horizontal vinyl banners. These banners were displayed inside the event venue to reinforce the messaging of inclusion and gratitude.

Vinyl banner
Vinyl banner